5+ Journalist Resume


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Professional Journalist Resume Emerges from 2 Tips

When you get an advertisement about the journalist job vacancy, let’s prepare everything you need. Make your cover letter and the journalist resume as soon as possible. Both are the most important documents in a job application. Your resume must load what the company wants to the candidate. Certainly, you are able to show it properly if you use the journalist resume template and tips. Those all are available here so that you can recall what you had ever heard before. Most people know about how to make a good resume but unluckily they often forget.

What is a Journalist?

The definition of a journalist is the person who works by collecting, writing, until distributing news to the public. Nowadays, the journalist can share it not only on the television and newspaper. Nevertheless, they also distribute it through social media. They can work in general and special issues depending on the company policy. Meanwhile, journalism is the term for their work.

Journalist Job Description

The journalist has large work scope where it can work for television, magazine, newspaper, website, newswire, radio, and others. Due to the large areas, the job description may vary but you can read the general duties. It is such as research, write, edit, proofread and file news stories such as features and articles.

Journalist Skills Requirements

Next, let’s see what skills you can insert in your journalist resume. The skills and qualifications are:

  • Have accreditation from the National Council for Training of Journalists (NCTJ)
  • Have a driver’s license
  • Enthusiasm
  • Stamina
  • Determination
  • Confidence
  • Perseverance
  • Excellent both oral and written skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Graduate from media, journalism and publishing field
  • Ever joined to journalism internships

Tips to Build a Professional Journalist Resume

A comprehensive resume is the most appropriate choice for the journalist. It is because it prefers to highlight two things is that education and career experiences. For the interviewers’ recruiters, the journalist quite pushes on those factors. Meanwhile, the other things such as the basic information and objectivity are only as compliance. Why the journalist resume only need to show both elements. The company just want to see whether education is suitable to their demand or not. Meanwhile, work experiences will show your quality in this job.

Besides using the comprehensive resume, you may not forget to include the reference. Without it, the resume for a journalism career is never complete. The reference will help you to convince the company that you have a real education level and work experiences. At least, it makes them sure that your resume is real. So, how to make a comprehensive resume? Here, what to do:

1.      Start with an objective statement

State the position, the field of work, area interest, the organization where you want to work, then the description.

2.      Make it simple

Make a brief summary and do not need to use complete sentences. You may use fragments but remember your resume should not exceed two pages.

Okay, those are some essential information about the journalist resume. You better obey the tips above if you want to be a professional journalist. Use the editable template to ease running the tips of the say. Of course, you can!

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