10+ Receptionist Resume Example


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Receptionist Resume Example and What to Do to Impress Recruiters

Becoming receptionist sometimes becomes the dream of fresher. Yes, for those who love meeting with new people, the receptionist could be the well job to join. In companies, organization or private business, receptionist will be the first person faces the customers or visitors

Before they do some interactions with somebody else. Well, when you want to be the receptionist, of course you need to make the resume first. Here we will talk about the receptionist resume example.

Something that you need to know, resume is an important document, especially when you look for new job. The resume will be used as the way to show up your personality, ability, skill and others. The information written inside the resume by you will be the first standard of recruiters to value you. By its importance, of course writing the right resume is the first important task to be done.

Kinds of Receptionist Resumes

Before talking about the ways in making the excellent receptionist resume, it will be good when you also know the kinds of the resumes. There some kinds of it showing the specific resume to make.

The kinds of the resume are:

  • Medical receptionist resume
  • Dentist receptionist resume
  • Office receptionist resume
  • Executive receptionist resume
  • Hotel receptionist resume
  • Front desk receptionist resume
  • Salon receptionist resume
  • Veterinary receptionist resume
  • Law firm receptionist resume

Seeing the points above we may know that there are many specific positions of the receptionist. Of course, the specific position of receptionist needs the specific kind of resume too.

What to Write Inside Receptionist Resume?

We may know that resume is an important document for the seekers of new job, including to be new receptionist. Well, in order to make the right receptionist resume, you need to know what to write inside this document.

For the first, you need to write the objective. It tells kinds of reasons why you are appropriate with the new job of receptionist. In other hand, the objective also tells the real condition of you.

Then, writing the profile is a must. Here, you need to write the personal data completely and up to date, especially about your address. After it, tell about your experiences inside the resume. Some agencies sometimes need the experienced receptionist.

Another matter to write in making the resume is background of education. Some positions of receptionist need the specific education background. It is the requirement that you need to fulfill.

Things to Avoid Inside Receptionist Resume

In order to make the excellent resume, of course you also need to avoid doing mistakes in writing the resume. For the first, you need to make sure that your resume is free from typo. Check and re-check the whole document before submitting.

In other hand, since the resume is a formal document, of course you also need to use the formal writing style in making it. Avoid to use the idioms that will make the recruiters get headache. Then, it is also important for you to make the resume in concise. For recommendation, write resume only two pages in maximal.

Well, that is all about the resume of receptionist that you need to know. Do some researches in order to get the receptionist resume example.

Receptionist Resume Example

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