10+ College Resume Template


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College Resume Template and How to Make the Best One and Catch the Attention

College resume is not that much different than high school one if we must say. The students are not yet to go to work, so there is no way they have formal work experience to write in the resume. For student resumes like this, the applicants’ talents are the one that will be emphasized instead of their work experience. Still, we need to know what exactly we have to write in college resume template. It is if you want to make the best one of all that is good enough to even catch the reader’s attention. Let’s see what to focus on in the resume.

Education in College Resume Template

Since you are student or were just graduated from the institution, you mainly have education to present in the resume. It might not be work practice or of that sort. Even so, it gives enough picture to the potential employer that you might have the knowledge necessary for the job. It would be good if the major you took in the college is related to the job position you are applying for. Then, you have higher chance for the employer to hire you. So, do include your education in college resume.

Talents in the College Resume Template

The knowledge you get from your education is important without doubt, but it won’t be enough to ensure that the employer will choose you. What else do we have to present then? Talents are there to mention. Each person must have something they are good at and it is unique to that person only. If you notice such thing about yourself, you better include it in the resume as well. After all, the employer needs to know how good you are to be their potential employees. You have to be worthy.

Achievement in College Resume Template

It takes a long time for one to finish their school life. There are even people who take more time to pursue higher education too. During that time, there must be formal education achievements you have obtained so far. Don’t forget to write it in too. Also, if you are joining school extracurricular and you are doing as good in it, you are bound to make some or even many achievements too. College resume achievement tells the employer that you’re capable more than just taking in the knowledge.

Awards in the College Resume Template

Now, don’t forget that sometimes we participate in all sorts of competitions during our school life. Through many competitions, have you ever obtained yourself awards worth to tell about? If you won them with your effort and ability, it will add more to employer’s impression of your capability. Also, participating in those events proves your competitive passion that is also necessary to improve in the world of work. That is why you need them in your college resume template to make the best kind that will catch employer’s attention.

College Resume Template Sample

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