10+ Executive Resume Example


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Executive Resume Example and How to Write Best Document

The executive resume actually is kind of the resume for those who want to apply the position of executive. As its name, an executive is an important position and it could be said as the essential position inside a company.

Since it is an important position, someone who could be accepted is only he or she that has high knowledge and dedication. However, the integrity of you is starting from making the resume. That is why we will talk about the executive resume example here.

Something that you need to know is resume including in an important document. It will be the first document read by the recruiters. The resume tells about the personal data, skills, experiences and others. By reading the resume, recruiters will be able to know who you are. Then, they also will get some reasons whether you are accepted or not.

Kinds of Executive Resume

Since the resume is an important document, making excellent executive resume is the first task that you need to do. However, before knowing the ways in making the resume, there are some kinds of it to know first. The kinds of executive resume are:

  • Sales account executive resume
  • Assistant account executive resume
  • Account manager executive resume
  • Senior sales executive resume
  • Senior financial executive resume
  • Senior healthcare executive resume
  • Chief nurse executive resume
  • And others

Seeing the points above, we may see that there are some kinds of the executive resume. Well, something to highlight here is the specific position needs different resume.

How to Write Executive Resume?

To get an excellent executive resume in your process, you need to know how to write it. Well, there are some ways that will help you to make the resume. The ways to make it are:

  • Start by making the profile resume. It will be good when you deliver the detail personal data completely. Not only complete, the personal data should be up to date too, especially for the address and contact.
  • It will be better when you write ‘with comprehensive experience’ rather than writing with specific years. Yes, it is quite reasonable since the companies sometimes look for the young leadership.
  • Write down the detail of working experiences. As we have said before, executive is a high position inside a company. Only the experienced seeker who could be the executive. However, please make sure that your working experiences are relevant with the position you want to join.
  • Write about your soft skills. It will be a good factor to write and also could be the way to get plus points.

Mistake to Avoid Inside Executive Resume

It will be good for you to avoid some mistakes in making the resume. Those are some common mistake done by the seekers in making the resume. Those mistakes are:

  • Writing unprofessional email inside the resume
  • Using the non-standard language in making the sentences inside the resume
  • Applying the improper format in making the resume
  • Not using the consistent font and spacing
  • Not connecting the resume to targeted job
  • Doing misspelling and wrong grammar

Well, that is all about the ways in making executive resume. Do some researches in order to find the right executive resume example.

Executive Resume Example

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