7+ Substitute Teacher Resumes


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6 Types of Substitute Teacher Resumes that You must know

Being a substitute teacher can be an early way to be a real teacher. You can try it to learn and look for some experiences. Although it is not a fixed teacher, you must pass some procedures. One of them is with preparing your substitute teacher resumes. Then, you should understand the job desc and skill. So, your students keep getting the best teaching though it does not come from their real teacher. By the way,  this page tries to help you understand those all. It belongs to the substitute teacher resume template.

What is a Substitute Teacher?

Who is a substitute teacher? It is a flexible profession in the education field because the job characteristic is on call. You will attend to the school or class when someone needs you. It is because they are getting sick, on duty,  and maternity or childbirth leave. The point is the teacher who comes to school when the real teacher is unavailable.

Substitute Teacher Job Desc

Do not underestimate a substitute teacher because of their duties almost similar to the real teacher. When you are in class, you are their regular teacher with the same responsibilities. During your stay in class, you have to:

  1. You must follow the curriculum and lesson plans of the regular teacher.
  2. You must not deviate from the procedure and achieve the lesson objectives.
  3. Set and explain homework.
  4. Participate in supervising students outside the classroom such as in the hallway and cafeteria.
  5. Comply with all existing school regulations and policies.
  6. Make attendance notes and document diaries.
  7. Maintain cleanliness and organize the classroom.
  8. Participate in monitoring normal class rhythms and activities.
  9. Make a compilation of reports for absent teachers.

Substitute Skill Requirements

So, what you should enter in your substitute teacher resume? Of course, there are many cases that you must write in your resume. One of them is the skill requirements where you have to:

  • Have orientation and can follow both written and verbal instructions.
  • Have good communication skills and interpersonal skills.

Alongside that, you at least have a high school diploma or equivalent qualification. Usually, schools prioritize bachelor’s degrees in teaching. You hold a teaching certificate or teaching substitute. Then, you also have at least 2 years of experience in the same role.

Sorts of Substitute Teacher Resumes

Using substitute teacher resume is very important and profitable. Moreover, you use one of the resumes from the internet. Commonly, you will find many kinds of resumes for the substitute teacher:

1.       Free Teacher Resumes

2.       Resume for Long-term Substitute Teacher

3.       Resume for Non-experience Substitute Teacher

4.       The Resume for an Elementary School Substitute Teacher

5.       Kindergarten Substitute Teacher

6.       Special Education Substitute Teacher

So, what are the benefits of using substitute teacher resumes from the internet? Of course, you will feel the benefits from the earlier. Some of the resumes are available free download and editable. It means you do not need to arrange your resume for the substitute teacher from the earlier. Quite edit and adjust according to your personal information. Then, print the file and submit to the teacher which you will replace temporary. Online resume template is readable too.

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