10+ Teenage Resume Template


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Teenage Resume Template with Some Tips in Making It

A teenage resume template will help you –as the teenage, when you want to make a resume. The resume is an important document, which will show the summary of personal data, applicant background, experience and skill. Of course, it is also an important document, especially when you, as the teenage, want to join with the college or look for the part-time job.

Many teenage write the resume with uncontrolled spirit. They wrote anything about their self. In a side, it is good but it will make the resume becoming too long and not effective. That is why you are important to learn steps in making the resume.

In this occasion, we will talk about some matters in making the resume for the teenage. Please take a sit and read some following writings below.

Common Resume Format

The most common format using in making the right teenage resume is the chronological resume type. This format is the most preferred by the employers. Yes, because it provides the overviews of all experiences. The details of the format are as follows:

  • Contact information, as name, home address, contact details and email address
  • Objective. In this matter, it will be good for you to state your goals and intentions you want to achieve for yourself and the prospective employer
  • Work experience. This section shows the work experiences starting from the most recent one. It will be important section, which will be the considerations
  • Educational background. The resume should mention the educational background. For those who want to look for part-time job, the background of the education that relate with the job description will be important to see
  • This part of the resume shows the voluntary work experiences, club participations and other activities outside the academic ones
  • Skills. Present the different abilities and talents of you that relate with the position that you want
  • References. Write the individuals to confirm the validity of the resumes.

Tips in Writing Effective Teenage Resume

In order to make the well resume, of course it will be better for you to know the tips of it. The most common mistake made by the teenage is they do not know how to make the well teenage resume template. It is fatal because the wrong resume will decrease their personality.

In order to make a right resume, here we have some tips to learn. The tips are:

  • Format the resume wisely

For the first, you need to think about the format. Here, it is important for you to limit the page of your resume. The resume is good when it is one or two pages. Please avoid to write more than three pages of resume

  • Identify accomplishment

Adding the job experience is important in order to strengthen your resume. However, in this matter, you only need to add the related experiences with the job position

  • Keep it simple and neat

The last tip is keeping the resume simple and neat. In this matter, you need to use the readable font size and kind of size. Then, when you need to use some bullets and numberings, please use the simple type of it.

That is all about the teenage resume template. Do some researches in order to find the examples of it.

Teenage Resume Template Sample

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