10+ Web Developer Resume


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Web Developer Resume and How Each Kind is Structured for Each Kind of Needs

With the growing needs of Internet, more and more people try bringing their business to the network. To promote service and products, website is necessary for that. Thus, web developer becomes new occupation available to apply for. To do so, you will need to write web developer resume of course. That being said though, there are many kinds to choose one from. Each has different structure even with the same variables included in. Now, let’s just see how those kinds are in this opportunity. They are worth to know of if you seriously want to apply for the job. Here we go.

Web Developer Resume for All Starters

Speaking about the kinds, we will need to start from the entry level of course. Since it is the very template recommended for starters, the structure is rather simple yet still neatly written. You start with career summary followed by academic qualification. Then, you need to list down your web developer skills at the bottom. In addition, other key skills are better to include in. They should cover your knowledge, key competencies, personal skills, selected achievements, and hobbies or interests. You’ll make the employer well informed.

Web Developer Resume with Concision

Not all job applicants are at entry level. Sometimes, they have so much information to be included within. However, you can’t possibly write them all in. For that, we need concise resume to go with. This kind of resumes jot down all but the necessary points only. Usually, what’s being jot down is some recent work experiences and the things you did during those times. There are programming languages, skills, and technology proficiencies to list down as well. Be sure to mention them briefly. For programming languages for example, you can mention Java, JavaScript, ECMAScript, JSP, etc.

Web Developer Resume with Major Parts

Sure, there are many things employer needs to know about the job applicants. But, the main focus of all would be your skills and personal characteristics. Thus, you need to go with developer resume template that has its resume structure divided into two major parts. Those two could be personal characterization and professional history. Your objective does tell them your personality, while the professional history is more like your work experience. PHP web developer resume is the example with such structure. Use it as your sample.

Web Developer Resume with Nice Design

Not all resumes are packed with words of information only. Well yes, that information is what your employer needs to know about you. However, there is nothing wrong about making it interesting enough to catch their attention at first glance. Usually, web developer resume of this kind is simple with brief career objectives, work experience, skills, personal information, education, hobbies, and interests. However, there are symbols, colors, and lines used to make it professionally designed too. Don’t use too much color though. After all, world of work is about dedication and professionalism.

Web Developer Resume Sample


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