7+ Animator Resume


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Animator Resume and Tips to Make the Perfect One

The animator has an important position inside the industry. However, of course an animator should have a good skill. They should be able to animate anything in different function. Here, graphical becomes the most important skill that they need to have.

Well, when you see that yourself have the skill of graphic, becoming animator could be the nice idea to choose. Here, we will talk about the animator resume to help you in joining it.

A resume is an important document. It becomes the first document read by the recruiters. The document tells about the personal data, skills and experiences. Of course, it will be the consideration whether the recruiters will accept you or not.

Kinds of Animator Resume

Since the resume is important, of course you need to know the ways in making it. However, before talking about the ways in making excellent animator resume, you need to know the kinds of the resume. It will help you finding the right resume based on what you need. The kinds of the resume are:

  • 2D animator resume
  • 3D animator resume
  • Animator fresher resume
  • Professional animator resume
  • Character animator resume
  • Flash animator resume

Seeing the points above we may see that there are some specific positions inside the resume. Of course, you are free to choose what position that is suitable with your skills. However, the different position needs different resume.

What to Include Inside Animator Resume?

There is some information that should be added inside the resume in order to get the perfect animator resume. Well, the things to add inside the resume are:

  • Personal summary – It is the first part of the resume that you need to write. It tells about anything of your personal data start by your name.
  • Career summary – this matter tells about the experiences of you in working. Some positions of animator, especially higher one, need the experienced seekers.
  • Educational background – the animator should have good background of study. It will be good when your background of study is relevant with the position that you want to join
  • Relevant work experiences – as we have said before, there are some positions of the animator that needs special experiences. When you joined with training, of course you also could mention it there

Tips in Making Animator Resume

There are some tips that will help you in making the resume. It will be able to lead you getting the perfect resume. The tips are:

  • Be specific and simple

For the first, make sure that you make simple and concise resume. The resume should show the detail information. However, the maximal length of the resume should be only two pages

  • Use formal writing style

Resume includes in formal document. It means that you need to use the formal writing style when you want to make it

  • Proofread the resume

Before submitting the resume, it will be good if you do some proofreads. Yes, it is the way to make sure that there is no typo inside the document.

Well, that is all about the animator resume that you need to know. You may do some researches in order to find best example of it.


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