10+ Sample Internship Curriculum Vitae


Sample Internship Curriculum Vitae and Numerous Tips to Do

Do have plans to join an internship after graduating later? Yeah, it is a good step to reach your career faster. However, you need to prepare the best curriculum vitae to enroll in a company. Fortunately, the sample internship curriculum vitae is available here. Apparently, you likely get more than that because it contains much information. Besides get the sample of curriculum vitae for an internship, there are some tips to write better. Even, it is very possible for you who do not have any experience yet. So, going on!

What is an Internship

To understand the content of the sample internship curriculum vitae, you should know the definition first. The internship is an opportunity to know the work environment for students in accordance with their field of study. They will work for several months before graduation and there is the possibility of becoming permanent employees. If their performance meets the requirements.

Internship Job Desc

Certainly, there are various types of job desc for you to do an internship. But here, you will get some information about the duties and obligations of the internship in general:

  • Carry out the duties of a customer service
  • Perform administrative tasks
  • Prepare research information and materials
  • Make notes and minutes during the meeting
  • Carry out general tasks
  • Management

Actually, there are still many tasks and responsibilities that you might embrace. Later, you will find out more when you go directly to the company.

Internship Skill Requirements

Next, talk about the skill requirements that a company need.  It is such as:

  1. A minimum of a high school or equivalent degree but you have enrolled in a university/college program.
  2. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suites such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
  3. You are at least 18 years old.
  4. Your written and verbal communication is very good
  5. Mandiri
  6. Energetic and excited

Tips to Result in Stunning Internship Curriculum Vitae

Roughly, how many kinds of the sample internship curriculum vitae which will get today? Okay, let’s count it together:

  • Editable Internship CV
  • Internship Curriculum Vitae
  • Psychology Curriculum Vitae
  • Magister Degree CV
  • Pharmacy Curriculum Vitae
  • HR CV
  • Postdoctoral Internship CV
  • Neuroscience Internship CV

Finally, it is your time to know the tips to write your curriculum vitae. In this page, you are going to get 3 categories:

1.      Tips to get the best CV for the internship

  • Use professional keywords. No need to use convoluted words. That will only confuse your CV reader. Therefore, just use impressive keywords on your resume.
  • Manage your experience. You should be able to write your experience on a resume well.
  • Show that you are very proud of your previous experience. You can show it clearly from your duties and responsibilities. It also shows that you are enthusiastic about what you are doing and really serious about this position.

2.      Internship CV no experience

  • Highlight your qualities and skills that are the most impressive and in accordance with the request.
  • Explain how these skills helped you in the past and how you will use them to improve the company.
  • It does not matter if you want to include skills and hobbies that might not be relevant. However, this might help you out at work.
  • Add some extracurricular activities that you follow while at school.

3.      Excellent CV internship

  • Make it “Objectives” to describe the goals you want to achieve.
  • Show your great interest in their position and organization.
  • State the specific certification and training you have for an internship position.
  • Add past experience if there is one.
  • Correct your CV again from grammar and spelling mistakes

Okay, those are the sample internship curriculum vitae and some information. Use them better!

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