10+ Chronological Resumes


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Chronological Resumes and Tips in Making the Excellent One

In finding the new job, resume is one of the most important document to use. The resume will tell who you are and it will be able to build your own personality. In making the resume, there are many techniques that you may use.

One of the most useable technique and I think it is also the best one, is the chronological resumes. As its name, this technique will be best in order to make the resume chronologically.

By the chronological matter, the contents inside the resume will be clearly arranged and I am sure that it will be easier for the recruiter to read about yourself.

Since the resume is the important document in looking for jobs, here we will talk about some matters inside the resume. We         will try to help you finding the points to write in making it. Are you curious with it? Please take a sit and read some following writings below.

Anatomies of Chronological Resumes

In order to make perfect chronological resumes, of course for the first you need to know the anatomy of the resume. The anatomy or the format of the resume will help you to find a clear way in making it.

Well, the detail anatomy of this resume are:

  • Contact info – it is a vital information, which show who you are. By its importance, it is placed in the top of your resume. In this section, you need to mention some basic information such as name, address, and others. Try to make it clear and concise.
  • Career objective – the intro of the resume that highlight the experiences and skills of you. It will be better for you to make a good objective by using the clear words. However, keep it concise
  • Work experience – the part that tells about the experience of your works. Here, you could show your past or present work experiences. However, try to mention the experiences that have relation with the targeted job
  • Key skills – the part tells about your skill and ability. Here, you need to make sure that you have something that the recruiters need. The skills should be hard skill and soft skill
  • Education – company needs to know your education basic. Mention your educational background. It will be better when the education side has relation with the targeted job
  • Awards – the additional part that could increase the value of your personality. When you have many awards, the recruiters will consider it

Mistakes to Avoid in Making Chronological Resumes

To get the excellent chronological resumes, you also need to avoid doing some mistakes. The mistakes, of course will decrease the result in making the resumes.

The most common mistake by the maker is typos. Here, you need to be careful in typing the words, so you will not do any typo there.

In other hand, you need to apply the formal typing format. Since the resume is a formal document, of course the formal procedure, such as the style of words, the font size and the font types which are used should be formal too.

That is all about the chronological resumes. You could do some researches in order to find the examples of it.

Chronological Resumes Sample

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