5+ Cosmetology Resume Sample


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Cosmetology Resume Sample and What to Write to Get Recruiter’s Attention

The cosmetologist is an individual that provides kinds of service to increase the appearance, especially about physical appearance of someone without surgery. Mainly, the cosmetology is a business walking about the skin and hair care, beauty product and also the makeup.

We may see that cosmetology is an important part inside the beauty industry. For those who love about this industry and have skills to do makeup, I am sure that it could be nice opportunity to continue your career. Here, we will talk about the cosmetology resume sample.

A resume is an important document. For those who want to apply a new job, they need to make a resume as the introduction document. By the document, they could show who they are and the recruiter will get the nice consideration before applying someone to join with their team.

Kinds of Cosmetology Resume

Before talking about some ways in making the resume, here we will show you some kinds of cosmetology resume. There are kinds of this resume, such as:

  • Cosmetology student resume
  • Cosmetology instructor resume
  • Hairdresser cosmetology apprentice resume
  • Entry level cosmetology resume
  • Cosmetology apprentice resume

The points above show that there are some specific positions of the cosmetology that you may know. Besides, the specific kinds of cosmetology also show that it needs the different resume.

Skills to Have from A Cosmetologist

When you want to be a cosmetologist, of course you need to have the attributive skills. There are some skills that a cosmetologist should have, such as:

  • Knowledge about the beauty product
  • Knowledge about skin care, hair care and nail care
  • Ability to maintain the services based on standard
  • Expert in beauty
  • Ability to do maintenance of eyebrow
  • Being able to do some specific jobs and services offered by the business
  • Professional

Seeing the points as above, we may see that there are some requirements, especially about the skills that you need to have. Consider the skills as above before you apply the cosmetologist as the new job.

Tips in Making Cosmetology Resume

Since it is important to make the nice cosmetology resume, of course you need to know the tips in making it. Yes, there are some tips that you need to do during making the resume. The tips are:

  • Make the simple and concise resume. It will be good when your resume is informative and the length of it is only about two pages
  • Write the detail information inside the resume. The more detail you write the resume, of course the recruiters will know you better
  • Highlight the specific positions of cosmetology that you want and give the reasons why you are appropriate to enter the position
  • Use the up to date template in making the resume

Mistakes to Avoid in Making Cosmetology Resume

In order to make a perfect resume, you need to avoid doing mistakes. Here, you need to be careful with typo. Make sure that you never do typo in writing the resume. In other hand, the resume also should be made in formal writing style.

Well, that is all about the resume of cosmetology. Do some researches and get the right cosmetology resume sample to lead you in making it.

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