8+ Military Resume


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Military Resume and What to Do to Impress the Readers

Are you a military man and try to find a new job? Well, we are sure and know that a military man is a special person that has high abilities. There are many positions to get in military field for the military man who want to get better life. However, for those who want to look for a new job, knowing about the military resume is the first thing to do.

Yes, resume is an important document to be known. This document will be very useful to gain your personality and show that you have high abilities as it is needed in applying the new job. Since the resume is a formal document, you also need to know the way in making it. Here, we will talk about some matters inside the resume of military and ways to impress the readers. Please take a sit and read some matters below.

How to Make Military Resume?

Since we know that the resume is an important document, of course you need to make the excellent military resume inside the effort in applying the new job. In order to make the resume, there are some ways that you also need to know. Some ways that you could follow in making the resume are:

  • Collect your assets

The first matter that you need to know is collecting your assets. Here, you need to get a copy of the verification of military experience and training. It is the formal document in order to build your personality. After it, you are also important to make a list of the technical skills. There are some technical skills that you need to mention.

  • Select the resume style

There are some styles in making the resume that you may use. Here, in order to make a right resume, you also need to know the style of the resume. For the first, you could choose the chronological resume. It is a most common resume style that is used by the military man in making the resume.

For the second option, you could use the functional resume. This kind of the resume is also nice to use because it will help you in highlighting the skills and work history. Another style of the resume that you could use is the combination resume, that is combining the chronological and functional resume.

  • Add some essential components

The next thing to do in making the resume is adding some essential components. The first component is contact information. It will be good when you add the complete and detail private information of yourself.

The next, you need to make the objective or the job target. In this matter, make one or two lines about the job that you want. Besides, it will be better when you add the reasons why you are appropriate with the job.

After making the objective, you need to make the summary of qualification, such as skill qualifications, job experiences and others.

Then, also add the history of employment and the education background. It will be better when you add some certificates of training.

Well, that is all the ways to make the excellent military resume. Do some researches in order to find the example and template of military resume.

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