2+ Contemporary Resume


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5 Tips to Create a Contemporary Resume That Always Appear Stunning

Contemporary resume brings everyone to a better way facing the job world. It comes more modern, catchier, and creative. So, it is easy for the company to see an attack on the resume. Nowadays, it does not time to give the formal resume full of text. Absolutely, it is boring and it will not get the attention of the recruiters. The point is the contemporary resume template gives freshness and new look. Apparently, this idea is able to defeat the professional resume which looks usual.

4 Examples of Contemporary Resume Ideas

Absolutely, what is the contemporary resume? It is the modern resume idea which contains much art and creativity inside. The point is the job’s world also get improvement in the way to result of the resume. Even, the innovation as well comes from how to search and get the job. Nowadays, people must not look for the job from the newspaper or boards. They quite open the internet and likely some companies share it through social media.

Definitely, you have to be ready to face this change due to technology and human developments. At least, you open your mind to receive the change and follow the trend. Okay, here are 4 examples of the contemporary or modern resume that you can see:

  • PSD resume template
  • InDesign resume template
  • Advanced Word template
  • Free download professional resume in PDF

Well, you can see the format or template of the modern resume from those examples.

Tips to Make the Resume in Contemporary Style

Here, you are going to get the tips to do and do not conduct. Precisely, let’s start from the 5 tips that you must do such as below:

1.      Open minded

You must have a target or objectivity for the current job but you keep opening your mind. Please, see on all likeliness where it is able to improve the change to get a job quickly. It is better you create time to evaluate all of your goals before determining to one job.

2.      Keep thinking positively

It is such as when you think that being unemployed is no problem. You just see it as one of the opportunity to get the greater job not something terrible.

3.      Create your objectivity

You will be able to break down the process in a more effective way by setting goals. Set it that you can achieve every week or every day.

4.      Take care of the network

Contact personal or professional contacts to ask for job info. It is more effective than just relying on one source.

5.      Take advantage of social media

Today many parties share their vacancies through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Therefore, expand your contact list and also help your resume so that prospective employers are easy to find you.

Next, there are other things that need your attention too. It is such as about the resume that is not more 2 page. Not allow use generic language, use points, add the skill summary, and mention the work history list. Honestly, quite follow those tips and anything your resume will stand out in front of your recruiter. So let’s realize your contemporary resume and good luck!

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