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Firefighter Resume and Part to Include in Making It

The firefighter is one of the very prestigious jobs. Yes, it is because the firefighters aim to protect and serve the public. The main goal of this job is to keep the safe of people. When you want to be a firefighter, there are some steps that you need to follow first, such as having the training.

Well, before accepting the firefighter as the new job, you need to think about the firefighter resume as the document, which will be read by the recruiters.

Writing the resume is the first and feared task for some people. Yes, it is because when they are failed in making the good resume, you also will not have chance to get your dream.

By the importance of resume, it will be important when you know the ways to make it. Here, we will talk about some matters inside the resume that you need to know before making the right resume.

Things to Write Inside Firefighter Resume

In order to make an excellent firefighter resume, you need to know the parts of the resume. Yes, there are some parts inside the resume during making the resume. The parts inside the resume are:

  • Career objective

For the first, you need to create a career objective. The objective will create the personality of you. In making the objective, you must write your experience of working, strength, skills and others. Then, you need to make sure that you write a concise explanation here.

  • Key skills

Skills are very important for the firefighter. It means that the recruiter will only accept the new employee that has good skills in the field of firefighter. In making the resume, you need to write about the key skills. The skills of the firefighter that you should have as hardworking, goal oriented, have high mental, capable, could working under pressure and others. Make the recruiter’s interest in you by showing some best skills.

  • Certification

It will be good when you also insert the certification that you have. The certificate will show that you have good skill. Of course, the certificate that is inserted there should be relevant with the field.

  • Education background

In common, the recruiter will give the requirement, especially about the background of the education. In this case it will be better when you show your education background in making the resume. Please make sure that your education background is appropriate with the requirement of the agent.

Mistake to Avoid in Making Firefighter Resume

In addition, it will be good when you also try to avoid some common mistakes in making the excellent firefighter resume. About this matter, you need to do something as:

  • Avoid the typo by check and recheck the resume before submitting
  • Use the formal writing style in making the resume
  • Keep the resume in simple and concise
  • Avoid using the narrative style in explain your personality

Well, that is all about the firefighter resume. Do some researches in order to find the templates and examples of resume. Hopefully it will be useful for you all.

Firefighter Resume Sample

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