Board Member Cover Letter and Its Sample

A board member cover letter is a document write to express your interest to be a board member in a certain company. In this cover letter, you have to present your relevant skills, work experiences, and achievements according to the job position you are applying for.

Parts of a Cover Letter

A cover letter consists of some parts or key elements. The first element is the information about you. The second element is the date. The next elements include contact person including name, title, employer, & address. You should also include salutation, an opening paragraph, the body of the letter, and a closing paragraph.

The Structure of a Cover Letter

In writing a cover letter, you have to know about its structure. It should begin with the statement of your interest for the board. Then, there should be an overview what you must offer. A cover letter also needs to explain your skills, experiences, networks, etc. that will help them with the current problems.

How to Make a Board Member Cover Letter

Writing such a letter requires you to do the following steps:

  • First of all, you have to introduce yourself.
  • After that, you need to state the job position you are applying for.
  • Then, you should show that your experiences, skills, and abilities match the required qualifications for the job.
  • Next, you must encourage the hiring manager to read your resume.

Tips for Writing a Board Member Cover Letter

To write this kind of cover letter properly, you should consider the following tips:

  • First, list the items to be included into the cover letter.
  • Besides, you must follow the proper format.
  • Then, you have to start the text from the left side of the page.
  • In addition, you need to use letterhead if possible.
  • Moreover, don’t forget to use the address of the board.
  • Furthermore, you’re required to use the right salutation.
  • You should go straight to the point, too.
  • Last, you have to maintain a formal tone.

Board Member Cover Letter Sample

Now, let’s pay attention to the example of a board member cover letter seen below:

Dear Mrs. Rosa Maria,

I’m interested to be a board member with Box View, Inc. where I can use my experiences, skills, & abilities to help your company achieve its goals.

I’ve ever worked as a board member for 7 years. I took part in meetings. I also helped the company to improve business.

I have good leadership skills and administrative experience that will be useful for this company. I can assist you to make & implement new projects that will improve the staff’s performance. I’m also able to make marketing campaigns for generating new business.

I’m looking forward to meeting in person with you. Please call me at (111)-111-1111 or send an email to to arrange an interview.


Mac Hendrix

That is all about a board member cover letter. You have to make it as impressive as possible so that the hiring employer invites you for an interview. So, you’ll have a bigger chance to convince your potential employer.


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